Thursday, July 11, 2013

3 Little Pigs

In literacy for the creative strand, myself and 4 of my friends have made a twist to the three little pigs. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Rock Climbing Story

Here is my story about Rock Climbing.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Should Pitbulls Be Banned In NZ?

Today for literacy, our teacher Miss Lagitupu has given us a task to write about.

Should Pitbulls Be Banned In NZ? That was my topic question so now I’m giving my opinion. I don’t think pitbulls should not be banned in New Zealand because if someone is going to rob your house, the pitbull is the only vicious dog you can have to chase him. Also, the dog is a friend to everyone.

A reason why pitbulls should be banned is because if you annoy them they can get very vicious and really hurt someone. Over the year of 2012, the hospitals have recorded about 800,000 bites from pitbulls. So that goes to show, pitbulls can be very dangerous.

On my finally opinion for Should Pitbulls Be Banned In NZ, I don’t agree to that. I think that even though they are dangerous in many ways, they can be trained to not hurt and to be playful. So my final opinion is, Pitbulls Should Not Be Banned In NZ.

Literacy Prospective Sudent

This is our project we needed to write for literacy.

Over the vertical rocky faces, Jackie Chan, a martial arts student, traveled long and far on a treacherous journey to the best Dojo in China. Through the blistering desert, over the lofty peaks, he was determined to meet Sensei Nelisi to teach him about Kung Fu. “Yes!” He cheered to myself. It was a long and hard journey, but finally he got there.

BANG! BANG! BANG! Jackie bangs loudly on Sensei Nelisi’s hefty door. “Clang!” Chains smash on the ground. Sensei Nelisi walks out. He then points away. Feeling deflated, he drops his head in embarrassment. Not giving up he meditates through the whole night and day. “HMMMM!” Those are sounds he makes throughout the night.

  “CLANG!” The chains break off again. Sensei comes out, points away then goes back inside. Feeling deflated, Jackie walks back down the mountain with shame. WIth that last bit of drive, he runs back then smashes down the huge hefty door.

   “BOOM!”  The stare between Sensei Lagitupu and Jackie Chan is icy cold. The determination in Jackie Chan’s heart is massive. Even the Sensei couldn’t believe he had done that. Angry, Sensei Nelisi points away again. Finally he looked at what the Sensei had been pointing at. It was a sign. Please use side entrance. “Hehe” he says to himself.

Hansel and Gretel Literacy Twist.

In literacy this week, I had to choose fairytale to twist up. With the help of my friend Darius this is what we have produced.

Once upon a time there were two brothers. They were alike in every way. They were brought up the same way, they were the same height, the same colored hair and skin, but their characteristics were completely contrary.

The brothers lived by themselves in a cottage deep in the woods.  Darius, he always had an evil glint in his eye and was always getting up to mischief. He had a short temper ready to blow his fuse, the minute anybody had a go at him. Gabriel on the other hand, he was a calm boy and he was never naughty. These two boys were always fighting. One day those two boys got very serious........

“SMASH!” The two boys were in the middle of a fight. Windows were smashing, chairs were getting tossed, and the boys were getting bruised. Gabriel didn’t want to fight anymore, so he sprinted it into the forest. A few seconds later, his brother lashed out and ran after him. “I will get you Gabriel” Darius yelled! After a long run Gabriel comes to a small candy cottage. With Darius on his tail, he ran inside.

They found themselves tumbling and making rackets inside the cottage. “Snif that smells like chocolate” Darius wondered. Not noticing an old lady in the corner she had a wicked smile on her face “Hello little children” her voice croaked as, the air suddenly turned as cold as the dark night. “What would you children like?” as her icy cold stare catches their eye’s. “Eat all you can eat.” A few hours later after they ate all they could, the witch threw Gabriel into a hot furnace. Building up with fury, Darius kills the witch then grabbed Gabriel out of the furnace.

“Gabriel, please don’t go...........” Darius said. He grabbed his brother then started to fill up with emotion. Tears had dropped from Darius’s eye’s then dripped onto Gabriel. With a flash of light, Gabriel springs up. “Gabriel!” Darius smiled.  They lived happily ever after.