Thursday, July 22, 2010

Immersion Assembly

Every start of the term (except for the first term) we always have a different topic to learn about. This term we are learning about Mighty Mariners. Mighty Mariners are about famous old and modern travelers like Columbus but also Jessica Watson.

First Mr.Burt introduced Team 1 to the stage but they didn't go onto the stage they were just sitting down with fake paddles and pretending to paddle. There was a movie, about the seven wakas coming to New Zealand, playing while they were pretending to paddle and Kingston was on of the animators.

There was plenty of that acting but my favourite team was team 4 because they were original because and had a family Eric the Red and Leif Erickson. They were Vikings.

I am always looking forward to our Immersion Assemblies because I always want to know what we are learning about. This term is Mighty Mariners.

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