Monday, April 8, 2013

Mini Trathglon

“YES!” I cheered to myself. “Triathlon”. On Wednesday the 3rd of April, we had a session to learn about the Triathlon Competition.  Swim, bike then run. I really enjoy this because it tests my fitness.

“Alright room 20 boys come up to the slide please” said Adrien. We had our session class by class. Girls before boys. It was finally our turn to do the triathlon. We didn’t really swim, we had to slide on the waterslide. The only boys that could slide on the waterslide was me, and two of my friends, Tevita and Melvin. We had to slide 4 times while the rest of the boys did starjumps.

“Lets go boys” I shouted to Tevita and Melvin. We had first dibs on which bikes to choose. I chose the closest bike to the slide, so I could quickly get going. I was off in an instant. I was in first place then everyone started to pass me because of my damp clothes.

“Time for your run” Adrien shouted. It was the last thing we had to do to complete the triathlon. Sprinting as fast as I could, (i couldn’t go fast because I was so tired and damp) I finished the triathlon tired to the max. “Well done,” Adrien said as he Congratulated me. “You have done well”.

I really enjoyed this because it can really push me and test my skills. I can’t wait until we do this again.

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