Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spooky House

‘CRASH, BOOM!’ Thunder rumbled around the spooky house. Raenan and Gabriel walk up to the abandoned house. Overcome by fear, they resist to enter the house. “Rock, scissors paper shoot”. The boys play rock scissors paper to see who enters first. Raenan loses and has to walk in first.

“I can’t do it” said Raenan. “Don’t be a wimp” Gabriel replied. “Ok” Raenan answered. As he reaches for the doorknob, he feels something shoot up his arm. “What happened?” asked Gabriel. “It felt like a million bee stings” said Raenan. Angry, Gabriel kicks the door down.

With heavy hearts, they walk down the hallway. With dust in their eyes, the boys can just see spiders, cobwebs and insects. They come to a door. They both stop, and Raenan hesitates. Gabriel doesn’t and just kicks the door down again. Theres nothing in the room except for 1 thing. A chest.

“Well, what should we do?” asked Raenan. “We open it” replied Gabriel with excitement. “BANG!” Raenan stomps the ground angrily. “I’m sick of you just doing anything you want.” “You don’t even know whats in there. Maybe something could just jump out at you?” “But it won’t” said Gabriel.  “I’m out of here.” Raenan stormed out. Gabriel slowly opens the chest then.... “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

Gabriel screamed and ran back to Raenan. “I’m sorry” said Gabriel “Lets go into another room”. “Ok” Raenan replied. “Why did you scream?” “I saw something” Gabriel answered. “I saw a skull.” “Holy mackerel” Raenan said. “Yeah I think we should go”.

BANG! BANG! BANG! Raenan and Gabriel sprint down the hallway. “Ahhhhhh” they hear a faint sound. They go to check it out. They see a body in a bed. They walk closer and closer. Suddenly, “RAHHH!!” Screamed Raenan’s dad. Gabriel and Raenan’s dad laughs. “Why are you guys laughing. You scared the bezebers (B-G-Bers) out of me.” said Raenan. They all walk out of the house together as a family.

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